Sunday, February 21, 2010

End of Days

Everything we do, from booking a movie ticket to buying a apartment largely depends on our hope, the hope that we would be alive tomorrow to enjoy what we amass today. Every time i am , may be i could take the liberty to say when we are at an exequy,we realize that we live on a hope so fragile and feeble that tomorrow shall always be indeterminate and vacillating.

We are occupied with thoughts that are mercenary and carnal and so are we concerned about the gains we would get in every actions of ours. In short we have become self centered and ego centric in our journey of life where the ultimate end is to be opulent. We are accustomed to being mundane and in doing so we miss the essence of life. We know the difference between existence and living but have we had the courage to impugn our own self?

We shall take a hypothetical situation but one, that each of us would eventually confront, the coward with scream,the weak with fear, the mean with regret but very few with smile and sense of contentment. If today would be your last day of your stay on this planet what would you want to do?.

We would elect to fulfill our extravagant and exorbitant desires, owning a luxury cruise, build a magnificent home and if your ambitions are lofty you would like to land on the moon, be the president or whatever you always yearned for. It would be appropriate to say we would want to live our insatiable cravings which would differ with each person's state of living and precept.

Though our initial yearnings would be to satiate our unfulfilled dreams we would gradually realize our happiness lies in the casual day to day activities which for otherwise we would have overlooked. We would appreciate the fact that happiness lies in every little act of ours that would make others happy. A heartening smile that would brighten up someone's day, a warm hug that would lift someone's spirit, a compliment from your heart, and such little acts would make other happy and in turn you would realize true happiness lies in making others happy. There is no greater joy than giving but the greatest joy is in giving with a smile.

If this day would be the last, we would find every chance to express our love, won't we? Will we have the heart to hate someone or hold malice ? Will we not forgive someone if we know we wont be here tomorrow. Will we have time to speak ill or get angry on someone if we won't be here to see them again ?Will we ever brawl over trivial things ? Will we hurt others with our words, will we lie or will we find time to cry? I guess our answer to all the above would be negative because we would want to listen to our heart and the live the way we always wanted but we never had the courage to.

We would want to spend our last day with our loved ones, hug our mum, let our kindred know what they mean to us. We would want to get wet in the rain, walk down the woods or read our favorite book sipping a cup of coffee. We would want to watch the TV show we enjoy the most, listen to our favorite set of songs on the i pod. We would like to go out with our friends to the usual hangout place, return back home late, the typical scolding from your mum that ends up with " i am yet to have my dinner, was waiting for you". The list would go on and on i bet there will not anything extravagant or flimsy but would consists of things you always loved to do and did when you were a child and things you forgot to enjoy as you adopted to your busy lifestyle of an adult. Its not late even now for you can vow to live a day every month to your heart's desire as if its your last day. So you ll never regret when the actual last day comes.

Now think for a moment. Do you want regret during your last days. Its not how much money you earned during your life time or how many homes you bought that matters. At the end it all comes to how many people's life you touched, how many would miss you, how many would remember you long after you are gone. The world should not be happy that you are gone. If at all there would be someone who would remember you with a tear on their cheeks just because you made their life better you can boast you had lived your life. At the end of your day, what matters is not what you are but how you made others to feel what they are when they were with you. Live and just not exist.


  1. Ram

    You know, these things are generally spoken or thought about as a hypothetical scenario and you are expected to be humorous and witty with your response or even flattering to extrapolate it a lil bit. What touched me about this blog is the 'bindass' quotient. Very overt and, well sensible. Besides, if we always remembered that someday we would be gone and we can actually leave behind something far more valuable than your wealth in the hearts of others, i truly believe the world would be a noah's ark.

    Keep writing
