Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Its a small world

Its true that you can never love someone if you are to judge them. But we do judge people most of the times or we continue to cogitate their actions all the time.In other words we cant love if we judge but we tend to judge till we love someone. Even after, you do not stop judging your loved ones but you decide to overlook their flaws.

I suppose judgment is the result of reasoning of the mind and the precepts it holds on to.If we label someone as "nice person" then he or she must be a nice person to everyone around him/her. But in most cases this is not the case for a person who might be nice to you might not be nice to others.

We tend to judge with how the other person is with us. I guess this is where the basic flaw lies for someone who is nice to us but mean to others in not a nice person. If we were understand the fact that a person is nice to us because he made an effort to be nice. Otherwise he s acting nice to us and not to the whole world. Never should we gauge someone with their towering accomplishments but how they go about doing their simple and routine tasks.

A person's niceness would be revealed on how he/she treats someone who can do nothing for him/her. It would be your duty to help someone you know and if you help a stranger it shows your generosity. The quality of being nice has become a rarity with self gaining more prominence. Not only the quality of mercy but even the quality of niceness is not stain'd. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.


  1. HATS OFF Ram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are good and ur random thoughts are very thought provoking i must say.....

  2. hey rams ...amazin!!
    keep up the gr8 wrk
