Monday, February 15, 2010


Love and Hate, they both deceptively seem to be antonyms but they are not as one can never exist without the other. I have asked this question to many " What is the difference between love and hate ? but i have never been satisfied with the answer.

I find it hard to understand when someone says " I hate you"to the person they loved till then. It makes me wonder whether they meant when they said they love the other person for i fail to comprehend how can one hate the person they loved once. I have to be rational in making the judgment for love and hate are two emotions that can rule the human mind or ruin the tender heart.

If time sequence is what would gain superiority then i have to accept whatever has happened after most would hold good for only it matters in the present. If that's the case then neither love nor hate should be influenced by past events and it seems utterly illogical to come to such conclusion for human mind portrays past into the future in all its thoughts. May be i would say experience is all about projecting your past events into the future and deducing the right course of action in the present.

Another argument i would put forward is that prejudice plays a significant role whether consciously or unconsciously in determining the course of action,be it love or hate. If so then what would one mean when they say " I love you the most or i hate you " as these are not the reflections of your heart but your thoughts. If love and hate is the product of the mind they how can one mean them when they express.

I am amused when people associate hurt to love and hate. If hurt can be correlated to both love and hate how can they both be two different emotions? The more rational you become you would find they are nothing but illusions of time which would fade with time. What i mean is that you would love or hate someone today and it would change with time. Time is what keeps everything from happening at once and love and hate are mirages you would come across in the journey through time. I have come to the conclusion that where there is love there is hate and vice versa or in one word AMBIVALENCE.


  1. Its awesome....
    I love ur writing style...
    must read for all..!

    All d best!

  2. gr8 wrk.....rams
    i 2 agree u gt a wonderful writing style !!
    keep up the gr8 wrk
